God of the Impossible: Day Two, Week Two

Do you ever think about the sovereignty of God? I suppose if we were British, we might understand that concept a bit better since the UK has a King. None of us really understand how big God is in his sovereignty because we don’t relate to him as a King.

The word sovereign means “possessing supreme or ultimate power.”

The Bible tells us that all nations, governments, and rulers lie in God’s hands. Scripture shows us that Jesus has defeated all the principalities and powers in the heavenly places. The ruling spiritual forces, who work through human authorities, are subject to Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. (Rev 17:14 KJV).

Jesus is King over all things.

This isn’t easy to grasp when it looks exactly the opposite of God being in control. It’s hard to watch the state of California impose unconstitutional laws and see Jesus as the King of California. It’s difficult to reconcile what we see taking place in our schools and to our children and hold tight to the belief God is in control.

So if Jesus is Lord of all, and the Government is under His control, why is all this craziness taking place?

Despite the difficulty of maintaining faith in the face of great obstacles, God requires His children to partner with Him using the authority he gave us when we took on his name in baptism. The name Jesus. When we died to our old nature, we were created as a new creation in Him; we now “live and move and have our being in him” (Acts 17:28 KJV). This is how he set it up from the beginning. In the Garden, God created man and woman to be His ambassadors, made in His image, put here to rule and reign with Him. We have failed in that often because we don’t quite understand who we are in him.

So, in our failure, and in the Bible, when the children of Israel failed, He has been known to move all by himself without the help of humanity. That is what we are asking him to do now in this prayer.

Part of that ruling and reigning is done through our prayers. I know many Americans are praying for our nation, and many are praying for California. We are where we are for numerous reasons, none of which I will address today. But suffice it to say, it is time we, as God, to forgive us for our indifference along the way and ask him to move in a powerful way to change California and our country.

We are to pray for all leaders, good and bad, Christian and non-Christian (see 1 Timothy 2:1-4).

We are to pray for ungodly leaders to be removed and godly leaders to be lifted and put into place. This is what today’s prayer is focused on. We want to see God’s sovereign hand work in miraculous ways to remove and replace leaders in power.

Throughout history and scripture, God works in and through difficult times and in and through difficult, and even evil, people (read Daniel 2-3). God is in control at all times and in all places, and He wants us to step up and help Him through prayer and more.

God is at work and holds all of time in His hands. When we are aligned with His will, our prayers impact the rulers of California. They work with the all-powerful, all-controlling God to ensure that His plans and ideas will be done on earth as they are in heaven.


God of the Impossible: Day Three, Week Three


God of the Impossible: Day One, Week One