God of the Impossible: Day Five, Week Five

I apologize for this email arriving a bit later than usual. Before I could get this email out, I had a German hack that required my attention.

Today is election day in California!!! I am excited to see the results of today’s election.

We all woke up yesterday to the news that the Supreme Court overturned the State’s ability to remove Donald J. Trump from the presidential ballot. What a victory for the American people and for those of us who have been praying for righteousness to prevail. The tide has been turning for some time, with little wins here and there, but this Supreme Court decision was a great win. Thank you, Jesus!!

Our prayer is effective, and this week, we are praying for our children, specifically for anyone who would seek to harm a child in a predatory way and those who have access to them through the school system.

The media is not short on stories of schoolteachers and coaches who have been caught sexually abusing one of their students. Predators prey on sensitive kids, disenfranchised kids, and those children who struggle socially. They are wickedly good at singling out kids.

Sexual abuse is not the only abuse taking place in schools by adults. I have heard numerous stories about coaches who belittle, bully, and intimidate students, leaving them feeling humiliated, worthless, and afraid.

Children are the number one target of the enemy, in my opinion. We must pray for hedges of protection around our kids, whether biological or those whom we encounter in our neighborhoods and churches. Kids are struggling like never before.

So this week, we are asking God to rebuke the demonic forces targeting our children and intervene to change the circumstances in our schools across California and the United States. We are asking Him to remove, expose, and replace the wrong people with the right people.

I believe we are going to see great change come to California, truly. What has taken place has been necessary for us to understand the vast ways the enemy of our soul has infiltrated every area of society.

I know all of you reading this agree with me, but I want to encourage you today: God is fighting for us! He is moving on behalf of the prayers of the saints, and we will see the tide change.


Be blessed this week and occupy until He comes!

Kathy Chastain


God of the Impossible: Day Six, Week Six


God of the Impossible: Day Four, Week Four